Water in Southern Utah

Water is a very precious resource in Southern Utah. This page is dedicated to helping you understand what steps are being taken to help conserve water, as well as develop and store more water.

Washington County Water Conservancy District

Washington County uses water from several sources including capturing snow runoff, springs, wells, and its primary source is from the Virgin River. Water is stored in reservoirs before being treated and distributed.

Reservoirs in Washington County:

    • Sand Hallow
    • Quail Creek
    • Ivins Reservoir
    • Gunlock Reservoir
    • Kolob Reservoir
    • Enterprise Reservoir
    • Baker Reservoir
    • Pine Valley Reservoir
    • Upper/Lower Sand Cove Reservoirs
    • Toquer Reservoir (under construction)

Potential future reservoirs include locations in Warner Valley, and between Santa Clara & Ivins.

New homes built in Washington County have new regulations that ensure less water is used, including more efficient faucets and toilets, and more efficient landscaping. Conservation efforts are essential to ensure water will be available to all, for years to come!

Click Here to learn about water conservation rebates available in Washington County.

Washington County is also starting work on a secondary water system, strictly for non-culinary uses. While a project like this is a daunting task, they are getting started.

Central Iron County Water Conservancy District

In 2021 the Utah state water engineer enacted a Ground Water Management Plan for the Cedar City Valley. In basic terms, water has been over-allocated, and the state is working with local water rights owners to reduce water use in the area, and if need be, turn water off for some users.

Additional conservation and water storage will be crucial to ensure ample water for continued growth in Iron County.

Cody Pitcher
Coldwell Banker Premier Realty
(435) 669-6118  |  8440079-SA00   |  cody@sguhomes.com